My name is Sha'Miah Richardson, I'm an 18-year-old freshman at Spelman College and I'm from Cleveland, Ohio. My major is currently undecided, but I am looking to study something that will support my dreams of becoming a serial entrepreneur. I have two of my own businesses, LivingRich, which is a unisex streetwear apparel brand, and TheRichBeat, which is my makeup company. I also enjoy dancing, modeling, and acting in my spare time. I'm extremely excited to learn and grow myself and my businesses within this fellowship.

Living Rich
Living Rich is a lifestyle unisex streetwear brand established in 2015 to create leaders who are trailblazers not only in fashion but in their communities as well. We are committed to providing our customers with high quality clothing at affordable prices while helping them embody the mindset that they are Rich in their own right. The name itself came from a combination of my mother's last name, Livingston, and my last name, Richardson. My goal within this project is to expand the reach of my business and grow our audience to multiple states outside of Ohio, which is where it is based in. I want to get help with marketing, management, and team building so that I can scale my business to the next level. Through strategic marketing I want to enhance the look and feel of our social media platforms to help gain followers that will turn into customers. We currently have a little over 5,000 followers on Instagram and less than 1,000 followers on TikTok. By the end of this program, I would want to have at least 15,000 followers on Instagram and 10,000 followers on TikTok. A direct result of more marketing, more customers, and a larger consumer base will be increased revenue, which is an overall goal for my business. Due to economic inflation and slow growth, as of right now, I’ve been making less than 5k each month, we would like to eventually get to making at least 10k every month by the end of the 2nd semester.
Since I don’t have a real team, besides my mother, and I’m not working with another student, I would want this fellowship to help me find resources that can help me achieve the goals mentioned or even give me a student partner who can work on a specific aspect of the project with me. For instance, a graphic designer that can help me create flyers to use for marketing. Feel free to visit my website and social media platforms.
Website: http://www.iamlivingrich.com
Instagram: @iamlivingrich