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Zynga Gaming Scholarships


The Zynga Gaming Annual Scholarship provides up to $10,000 of financial assistance to deserving students to help defray educational costs during matriculation at Spelman College. The Zynga Gaming Scholarship is intended to support students with an interest in Gaming+ technology.  Avid gamers, game designers, storytellers, researchers and other disciplines with ties to Gaming+ are encouraged to apply.


Status:  Applications Open

Zynga Gaming Scholarships

AY2024-25 Fellowships


Support + Empowerment + Accountability


The purpose of the Fellowship Program is to help you complete a self-identified, well-defined project or entrepreneurial venture within the guidelines of the program.  We empower you to complete your fellowship project by providing you the necessary training.  We support you with a stipend.  And we hold you accountable with weekly check-ins.  Fellowships are competitively awarded while funds last.  Apply early!

Status: Applications close on September 20 at 11:59 PM ET 
Learn More Here 


Lab Leaders​


Want a front-row seat to everything happening in the Lab?  Consider becoming a Lab Leader.  As a Lab Leader, you will gain familiarity with all the equipment in the Lab.  You will train and help other patrons of the Lab.  Best of all, this prestigious, position is a great addition to any resume.  Lab Leaders are paid hourly..


Status:  Applications Closed


Lab Leaders

Student Micro-Grants


A student “Micro Grant” is an allotment of funds set aside to support a specific student project for those times when your project requires non-stock supplies or specialty equipment.  Apply for a micro-grant to kick-start your project!


Status:  Applications Closed.


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